

환경 Biden's Bold Stand on Climate Change and Heat Protections for Workers

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댓글 0건 조회 99회 작성일 24-07-04 11:22


Biden's Bold Stand on Climate Change and Heat Protections for Workers



President Biden has taken a firm stance against climate change denial, calling it "really, really dumb" and emphasizing its deadly and costly consequences. In a powerful speech at the District of Columbia’s emergency operations center, Biden highlighted how extreme heat, intensified by global warming, has already shattered records this summer and is expected to rise further.

Heat: The Deadliest Weather Hazard

Biden noted that extreme heat is the most lethal weather-related hazard in the United States, responsible for more deaths than floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes combined. Last year alone saw 2,300 heat-related fatalities, with emergency room visits for heat illnesses surging. Climate change, fueled by the burning of oil, gas, and coal, is making heat waves longer and more intense, posing severe health risks and economic burdens.

New Protections for Workers

In response to these alarming trends, Biden proposed new regulations through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to protect workers from dangerous heat. The regulations would require employers to monitor workers, provide access to water and rest areas, and establish heat safety plans when the heat index reaches 80 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. These protections could impact approximately 35 million American workers, both indoors and outdoors.

Support and Opposition

Environmental groups and labor unions have praised the proposed regulations. Liz Shuler, president of the AFL-CIO, stated that the heat protections are "urgently needed." Aru Shiney-Ajay, executive director of the Sunrise Movement, hailed the protections as a significant victory for young people demanding action on climate change.

However, the regulations face opposition from industry groups and some Republican lawmakers. Critics argue that the rules would be costly and cumbersome to implement. Jonathan Berry, a former senior Labor Department official under Trump, expressed doubt about the rule's legal standing, given recent Supreme Court decisions limiting federal regulatory power.

The Path Forward

The upcoming presidential election will be crucial for the future of these regulations. If implemented, they could significantly improve worker safety and resilience to extreme heat. As Biden continues to push for comprehensive climate action, his efforts underscore the urgent need to address the escalating impacts of global warming.


President Biden's strong stance on climate change and his proposed heat protections for workers highlight the critical need for immediate and decisive action. By addressing both environmental and labor concerns, Biden aims to safeguard the health and well-being of American workers while reinforcing his commitment to combating climate change.

 President Biden condemned climate change denial, highlighting the deadly and costly impacts of extreme heat and other weather disasters exacerbated by global warming. Speaking at the District of Columbia’s emergency operations center, he announced new regulations to protect workers from dangerous heat. The proposed Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rule mandates employers to monitor workers and provide rest areas and water when the heat index reaches 80°F. This initiative aligns with Biden’s climate agenda, which faces opposition from industry groups and Republican lawmakers.


1. What did President Biden announce regarding climate change? President Biden announced new protections for workers exposed to extreme heat, emphasizing the dangers and financial costs of ignoring climate change.

2. What are the proposed heat protections for workers? The proposed OSHA regulation requires employers to monitor workers and provide rest areas and water when the heat index reaches 80°F. It also mandates heat safety plans.

3. Why is extreme heat a concern in the U.S.? Extreme heat is the deadliest weather-related hazard in the U.S., causing more deaths than floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes combined. It also exacerbates other health conditions and has significant economic impacts.

4. Who supports and opposes the new heat protection regulations? Environmental groups and labor unions support the regulations, while industry groups and some Republican lawmakers oppose them, citing increased costs and administrative challenges.

5. How does climate change affect heat waves? Climate change, driven by burning fossil fuels, causes heat waves to last longer and become more intense, increasing health risks and economic losses.

  1. #ClimateAction #WorkerProtection #ExtremeHeat #SustainableFuture #HeatSafety 
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